Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How the neo-liberals ideas has influenced the world order Essay

How the neo-liberals ideas has influenced the world order - Essay Example Since the advent of the end of the Cold War, it is experienced that the ideas of the neo-liberalists has widely taken place. Hence, the contemporary states economy have imbibed the culture of free trade, free economy entry and exist of labour and the opening of their state economy to the international market for active competition. This scenario of the international order, with the aid of modern improvement in the world technological base, has resulted in the expansion and the consolidation of globalization. The stand of socialism has given way to capitalist society, where the rule of price is a cogent force that determines the market situation. Hence, governments through the policy of privatization and commercialization , deregulation of their states economies have given up several state corporations to the private individuals and private bodies; thus, bringing to the fore front the phasing out of the socialist and communist doctrines. The enshrinement of the neo lib al doctrines in the world order would not have gain its immense success if international organizations such as UN, World Bank, IMF, WTO , have not backed up and imbibe the culture and ideas of free trade and the globalization of the world economy. This write- up tends to discuss the ways in which Neo- liberalism has influenced the world order. IDEAS OF THE NEO- LIBRALS The neo-liberals based their ideas on the neo- classical economists’ doctrines, which is an extension of the classical economists’ ideology. The neoclassical economists contend that slow or negative growth results from poor resource allocation from non market prices and excessive Third World state intervention. Hence, the argument that promote competitive free market, privatization of public enterprises, supporting export and free international trade, liberalizing trade and exchange rates, allowing exchange rates to attain a market- clearing rate, removing barriers to foreign investment, rewarding domestic savings, reducing government spending and monetary expansion, and removing regulations and price distortions in financial, re source and commodity markets, would spur increased efficiency and economy growth was upheld. (Dibie, 2000:18) according to Albo (1996), "Neo-liberals have fostered the movement to freer trade and deregulation of labour markets, arguing that overcoming the constraint of limited markets is the means to increase growth, remedy trade imbalances, and lower unemployment. The state needs to be forced to comply with the 'laws' of the market". It is seen that the socialist and communist's ideas of government control of the means of production is greatly opposed in all its' ramifications by the neo liberalists, Hence a capitalist structure that support free trade and free movement of labour is supported. The neo-liberals ideas are summed up in what is widely known as 'globalization'. "Globalization can be briefly defined as the intensification of economic, political, social, and cultural relations across borders" (Holm & Sorensen, 1995:4). A key characteristic of the globalization is that the actors involved are not only states but non- state actors, particularly multinational or trans- national corporations. It is now the case that more than half of the top economies in the world are corporations not states, and international investment is increasingly private" (OHCHR, 2005). Many international trade theorists, such as Gottfried Haberler, Jacob Viner, Alex Cairncross and Peter Baur, have expanded and reinforced the classical and neoclassical views. These scholars share the neoclassical belief that trade can promote the growths that are favourable to the other sectors. (Dibie, 2000:15). To Haberler (1968), the emphasized international trade has several indirect and dynamic benefits, apart from static gains to the trading countries. One of the benefits is the introduction of new technologies in less developed countries.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Inferences for One Population Standard Deviation Essay Example for Free

Inferences for One Population Standard Deviation Essay The Standard deviation is a measure of the variation (or spread) of a data set. For a variable x, the standard deviation of all possible observations for the entire population is called the population standard deviation or standard deviation of the variable x. It is denoted ÏÆ'x or, when no confusion will arise, simply ÏÆ'. Suppose that we want to obtain information about a population standard deviation. If the population is small, we can often determine ÏÆ' exactly by first taking a census and then computing ÏÆ' from the population data. However, if the population is large, which is usually the case, a census is generally not feasible, and we must use inferential methods to obtain the required information about ÏÆ'. In this section, we describe how to perform hypothesis tests and construct confidence intervals for the standard deviation of a normally distributed variable. Such inferences are based on a distribution called the chi-square distribution. Chi is a Greek letter whose lowercase form is χ. A variable has a chi-square distribution if its distribution has the shape of a special type of right-skewed curve, called a chi-square (χ2) curve. Actually, there are infinitely many chi-square distributions, and we identify the chi-square distribution (and χ2-curve) in question by its number of degrees of freedom. Basic Properties of χ2-Curves are: Property 1: The total area under a χ2-curve equals 1. Property 2: A χ2-curve starts at 0 on the horizontal axis and extends indefinitely to the right, approaching, but never touching, the horizontal axis as it does so. Property 3: A χ2-curve is right skewed. Property 4: As the number of degrees of freedom becomes larger, χ2- curves look increasingly like normal curves. Percentages (and probabilities) for a variable having a chi-square distribution are equal to areas under its associated χ2-curve. The one-standard-deviation χ2-test is also known as the χ2-test for one population standard deviation. This test is often formulated in terms of variance instead of standard deviation. Unlike the z-tests and t-tests for one and two population means, the one-standard deviation χ2-test is not robust to moderate violations of the normality assumption. In fact, it is so non robust that many statisticians advice against its use unless there is considerable evidence that the variable under consideration is normally distributed or very nearly so. The non-parametric procedures, which do not require normality, have been developed to perform inferences for a population standard deviation. If you have doubts about the normality of the variable under consideration, you can often use one of those procedures to perform a hypothesis test or find a confidence interval for a population standard deviation. The one-standard-deviation χ2-interval procedure is also known as the χ2-interval procedure for one population standard deviation. This confidence-interval procedure is often formulated in terms of variance instead of standard deviation. Reference: View as multi-pages

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Genetic Engineering the Church View Essay -- essays papers

Genetic Engineering the Church View A relatively recent issue, genetic engineering has nevertheless become an important enough internationally to cause public debates. The issue is complex, involving many parts and, of course numerous ethical concerns. Some of the parts enveloped by genetic engineering are cloning, modifications of genetic traits, and bioengineering of plants and certain animal to yield better crop and product. Much can be done using genetic engineering. Although we have a potential to harvest and already do see many advantages as a result of this, a deeper issue looms like a cloud on the horizon: are we prepared for the ramifications involved in this concept that has such high potential? At the center of the issue is the perspective of the Church. And it is through human dignity that religion and cloning are linked. Genetic engineering, and, specifically cloning is deeply an issue of dignity. For example, the Catholic Church addressed human cloning in 1987, stating that cloning is contrary to the moral law, since it is in opposition to the dignity "both of human procreation and of the conjugal union" (2). Thus, cloning is contrary to our moral and theological beliefs since the normal reproduction does not take course: life is created through neither marriage nor sexual intercourse. God's plan for us is finding a mate-someone we spend the rest of our life with, have children, pass on our knowledge and genetic material. God's plan is for us to have two biological parents-those whose genetic, physical, and mental information comes together to produce a new, different being. Cloning completely disrupts God's plan. A rather controversial issue, cloning, as most such issues, forces one to take a stand on either moral, ethical, religious, or other grounds. Once faced with such dilemna, various religious movements have had to take such stand, which are rather varied throughout the different faiths. The Catholic Church, for example, has denounced cloning and has specifically called to put a ban on human cloning. "God alone is the master of human life and of its integrity" states Pope John Paul II. "To respect the dignity of man, consequently, amounts to safeguarding this identity of the man "corpore et anima unus," states the Vatican Council II (3). The biological individuality of a person is untouchable, being made of bot... ...f effects. This, in our history, humanity has done many a time. The Church's role has been that of a prophet, warning us that just because we can do something, does not mean we should. References 1. Church of Scotland webpage. 2. American Bioethics Advisory Commission. 3. Dangers of Genetic Manipulation. Address by Pope John Paul II to members of the World Medical Association. October 29, 1983. 4. Sophie Boukhai. Religion, genetics and the embryo. UNESCO Courier, Sept 1999. 5. Armstrong, Bruce G. Scientific, Ethical and Biblical Considerations of Genetic Engineering. Central Highlands Christian Publications. 1999. 6. Epstein, Ron. Ethical and Spiritual Issues in Genetic Engineering. Ahimsa Voices: a Quarterly Journal for the Promotion of Universal Values. 5. Oct. 1998. 7. Church blocks GM trial. BBC News Online: UK. August 4, 1999. 8. Genetically Modified Organisms.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How Life has been Good to me Essay

I am a happy person. I have everything that I could ever want in my life. I am single, and yet I have the company and friendship of many. I have a good job, adequate money in the bank, and a nice house. Nevertheless, I am of the firm belief that whether or not I possess these material things, I will remain a happy person. A person’s happiness can be based on a variety of things, which could be of tangible or incorporeal nature. Happiness is a feeling that is based on an individual’s manner of thinking, philosophy in life, or religious belief. Happiness could consist in having nothing to worry about, or being in the company of loved ones. The source of happiness is as unique as every individual person. (Philosophy – Life – Happiness – Creativity). My happiness is based on my appreciation of every little thing that God has put in my way. I realize that I have been lucky because I do not live in poverty. I am fortunate enough to possess material things that make my life comfortable. I am also being prepared to be self-sufficient, as I am going through college. For all of these blessings, I have no other option but to be happy. I am optimistic about how the rest of my life will turn out. I am hoping it would still be as pleasant as the present, although I would not be sad if I encounter some rough road ahead. I believe trials make people strong. Finally, I believe I owe my happiness to God, who is the reason why I am enjoying everything that I have in the present, or will have in the future. I also believe that God is the reason why there is no second in my life that I feel empty. I know that I shall feel happy, for as long as I have God watching over me. Reference Philosophy – Life – Happiness – Creativity. Retrieved February 18, 2007, from http://huizen. daxis. nl/~henkt/happiness. htm

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Citizenship of organizations, nations and the planet- Rights and Responsibilities Essay

Man is a social animal. The history of mankind is the history of evolving societies, civilizations and nations. These are the various levels of groups a person exists as a citizen of, where he cooperates with others to fulfil and increase his own needs and potential and therefore developing that group as a whole. Hence, an individual is tied to his social moorings which provide him certain rights for his own self development and also demand from him certain responsibilities for the well being and sustainability of the society as a whole. These rights and responsibilities are indispensable for any organisation to exist and develop. The rights have also evolved as society has progressed. Earlier in the days when democracy did not exist, a king or a dictator did not need to worry much about rights of his citizens. But democracy is based on will of people. In a democratic government, a citizen gets his rights which are fundamental to his well being and growth. Hence, in India our constitution makers provided us with fundamental rights which we did not enjoy when india was not a democratic nation. Similarly, when industrialisation had emerged in western Europe, the rights of the workers was not given much credence to. They lived in miserable conditions, with very long working hours and less leisure. But today, every organisation provides its workers safe working environment as a right. Today, as the twenty-first century enters its second decade the world has shrunk in a space becoming a global village.The ancient Indian notion encapsulated in the sanskrit dictum ‘vasudhaiva kutumbakam’( the world is a family ) has never been truer.Today, its not realistic to think only in terms of one’s own country .The exchange of ideas and goods are taking place everywhere in the world with ever greater frequency,speed and ease.The safety of people everywhere not only depends on local security forces,but also on guarding against terrorism.What happens in other parts of the world affect other nations too. We are becoming citizens of a unified planet. Under this perspective, the united nations formulated the Human rights which  are fundamental for the existence of a citizen irrespective of race, gender or geography like right to live with security, right against slavery. If a government denies its citizens these basic rights for example in a genocide, UN can i ntervene to restore peace and a legitimate government. Likewise it sends directives to its member nations on how they can perform better so that the citizens have better life. A citizen needs to take full responsibility towards Organization, Nation as well as Planet.People everywhere increasingly connected through travel,trade and the internet. World is so closely knitted today that a fire that starts in a remote thatched in one corner of a village can melt the steel girders of the tallest skyscrapers at the other end of our global village. The impact of 9/11 was felt all around the world or the impact of recession that was felt all around the world in 2008 due to the failure of Lehman brothers and Bear stearns .The impact that one citizen, organization or nation creates around the world cannot be ignored in such an interdependent world .We can no longer afford the luxury of not thinking about the impact on the planet in anything we do . The problems that the world is facing today like terrorism ,of the proliferation of weapons of mass destructions,global warming ,contagious disease, poverty, mass illiteracy and massive displacement cannot be addressed by one or a group of country alone .Today nations around the world find them vulnerable to threats from beyond once borders counterfeiters of currency,drug smugglers,child traffickers,pirates ,credit-card crooks and even imported diseases such as swine flu. Such problems required solutions that transcends all boundaries and it can only happen when one think himself as a global citizen and realize their rights and responsibilities towards the planet. Citizenship is the status of a person recognised under the law of a state that bestows on that person the rights and the duties of citizenship. Rights and responsibilities complement each other.It has been rightly said with great power also comes great responsibilities.Rights and respondibilities both should be enjoyed actively .Active citizenship is the  philosopy that citizens would work towards the betterment of society through economic participation, volunteer work and other such efforts to improve life for all citizens. A right has not be enjoyed by an individual at the cost of other’s right. A right pertains to an individual’s liberty but to sustain and develop equality in a society, responsibilities or duties are must to be followed by the citizens. If we have a right to free speech, then it becomes our responsibility to moderate our speech so that it does not incite hatred between groups and communities. Keeping this in view, India incorporated fundamental duties as well in its constitution to complement the rights. Now corporates which thrive on lands and forests occupied earlier by other communities, they have to share their riches with those people in the form of corporate social responsibility. Mahatma gandhi had aptly said that the world has enough to fulfil everyone’s need but not enough to fulfil anyone’s greed. In today’s world where resources are scarce, these words of his have become highly relevant. In the name of development, we are polluting our air and cutting down our forests. We are threatening the livelihood of various communities which sustain on these lands. This has led to widespread social tensions resulting into violence. The corporates and other players are forgetting their responsibilities towards the society. Their rights to do business must be in harmony with the rights of citizens whose livelihood gets affected. Many Management literates have investigated the notion of Citizenship from three perspective-an Organizational Citizenship (where the efforts are undertaken by the employees to behave as good citizens within their organization); from a social perspective with the notion of Corporate Citizenship (where initiatives are undertaken by businesses to act responsibly in society in particular and the Nation in general) and last but not the least from the planet perspective with the notion of Environment Citizenship (where efforts should be undertaken by Individuals/entity to be responsible towards environmental protection). At the organization level citizens should strive for sustainable development . There should be effort towards a future state for human societies in which living conditions and resource-use meet human needs without undermining the sustainability of natural systems and the environment, so that future generations may also have their needs met. Central coalfield Limited(CCL) as a responsible organization in making citizens partner in progress. Major corporate social responsibility(CSR) activity of Central Coalfield Limited (CCL) 1. CCL has adopted 2 villages in the nearby vicinity in which Rs. 50 lac was provided for setting up a Solar Light Generating Unit. 2. CCL has organized 25 medical camps in the adopted villages, in which 2644 persons were benefitted. 3. CCL has constructed/ repaired 17 rural roads, built/ repaired 21 rural schools and 20 community centers have been constructed/ repaired. 4. 11 visually impaired girl students of Brajkishore Netrahin Balaika vidyalia have been adopted by CCL for their education and Health Care. 5. For providing the supply of drinking water, 84 works with respect to digging of hand pumps, installation of hand pumps, wells, ponds etc. were undertaken by CCL giving benefit to 105 villages. 6. 335 health camps were organized in different villages of CCL in which 52309 people were benefited. 7. CCL has started operation JYOTI to eradicate reversible blindness in command areas and 2511 persons have been operated so far. 8. An amount of Rs. 3.70 Cr. was provided to state Government for construction of Bridge on Ray-Tandwa- Khilari Road. 9. Rs. 81.38 lac was provided to Jharkhand state for De-Silting of Kanke Dam, Ranchi.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ethic and Contemporary Issues in Multimedia and IT

Ethic and Contemporary Issues in Multimedia and IT Professional code of conduct as well as ethics is important in an individual’s way of live and work. This is of great importance to the world of technology that includes multimedia and information technology sectors. The Multimedia and IT field in the recent years have shown great improvement due to advancement in internet through the use of optical fibber that have led to social networks sites such as the twitter, Facebook, and the bloggers.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Ethic and Contemporary Issues in Multimedia and IT specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In addition, the development of internet gadgets such as mobile phones, modems, laptops and the networking of computers have posed a great threat to the ethics of multimedia and IT. The increase in use of these sites and other IT related gadgets have brought the maintenance and integrity of ethics in the communication and media field to a threat. According t o the media associations, the work of the media and IT is to inform people about the happenings of the world and a means of communication that would bring growth rather than disasters. However, the main objective of the communication and media field has changed as in the recent cases of the Arab countries. In Egypt, during the Anti-Mubarak protests, the protesters used the social networks to organize themselves, spread rumours, and keep each other informed of the progress of the protests Sharp (2011, p. 2). They used several forms of communication especially the use of social networks. Sharp (2011, p. 2) asserts that after the government realized the role of the media to the protests, they blocked all forms of media including the use of internet. In addition, in 2009 the social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and bloggers and Yu tube played a great role in organization of protests to show their feelings after the result Kamalipour (2010, p. 62). Kamalipour (2010, p. 62) further asserts that this social media sites informed the world on the situation in Iran. Like in Egypt, the Iranian government responded by blocking the use of internet in Iran, especially the social network sites Kamalipour (2011, p. 62). The media was further used to send rumours of the situation on the grounds such as the magnitude of the people killed by the riot police as they tried to seek for sympathizers from the world Sharp (2011, p. 9). During these instances, the media generally focus only on one of the parties involved. For instance during the Egypt protests the major focus was on the killings of the protestors by the riot police. The media and communication ethic on public matter has been to preach peace and unity but in several instances, the media has caused political instability. Further, media has spread hate speeches and rumours either between political affiliates or between countries.Advertising Looking for essay on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Several nations have experienced political instabilities in the recent years due to the conflicting information passed through the media or through social networks. For instance in many countries after elections, tribal clashes are highly initiated by the tallying proceedings that are broadcasted in different stations. Communication and media ethics further dictate that media has the right to influence the people’s morals in a positive manner. However, with the extensive use of internet, TV’s, video films and video games, media has influenced the moral behaviours of many youths. The use of media have exposed people to several programs, movies and sites that are not worth to be viewed by different kinds of people. For instance, young people who have access to internet on their phones and private laptops have been exposed to information that has influenced their behaviours. Technology advancement has affected the morals of the people as they are exposed to them. Further, the media and IT ethics have been affected by the increase in media and IT crimes. With the improved technology, the knowledge of people has greatly changed causing a great threat in the media fields. The cases of cyber crimes and cyber burying have tremendously increased with time. This has put the security of the people and government at risk. Cyber crimes such as cyber theft where thieves steal through the internet by getting access to other peoples accounts have increased. Other cyber crimes include hackling of websites and email addresses, the use of email to send spam messages to other people. People use the media to send messages in request of ransoms for an internet crime committed or to con other people over the internet. Further, IT has been used to impersonate and in copyrights. Copyrighting being a crime has violated many people’s rights. Those who perpetuate these crimes copy and sell the pirated copies for the ir own benefit. Further, there are media sources that cause fear to the audience or the people. In May 2006, an American TV (ABC) aired a movie in name â€Å"Fatal Contact: bird Flu in America† Perebinossoff (2008, p. 75-76) that had excessive and rumours of the H5N1 virus that causes bird flu. This movie was also made available in DVDs, which caused great fear to the people. The movie further exaggerated the threat of the H5N1virus. Conclusion With the advancement in technology, the ethics in the communication and media has greatly fluctuated. This is due to the increase in the number of people using the media sources. There have been great efforts by the government and the media associations but to date their efforts have not brought good results.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Ethic and Contemporary Issues in Multimedia and IT specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Their efforts have been greatly affected by th e fact that media and IT cannot be abolished completely. In day-to-day activities, media and IT has to be involved and in the government. However, more and more efforts need to be inputted to bring a long-term solution that will raise the ethics of media. This will help in maintenance of peace and order as well as to increase the security of the citizens through reduction of cyber crimes. References Kamalipour, Y 2010, Media, power and politics in the digital age: The 2009 presidential uprising in Iran, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Maryland. Perebinossoff, P 2008, Real-world media ethics: Inside the broadcast and Entertainment Industries, Elsevier, Oxford. Sharp, J 2011, Egypt: the January 25 revolution and implication for US foreign policy, Congressional Research service, Washington DC.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Compare High Scope Essays

Compare High Scope Essays Compare High Scope Essay Compare High Scope Essay Co intents High Scope Method How the curriculum is designed Environmental Set-up The Regis Emilie Approach History Comparison of the two approaches their advantages and disadvantages. Conclusion REFERENCES Compare High scope and Regis Emilie methods of class room settings. Include Merits and Demerits of both methods and which methods as a teacher you will prefer in your class room. Give reason for it. This method of class room setting was established by Dry. David Wackier, a Michigan educator, in 1970. As the name refers to the programmer it is because of its highest purpose of the project and the tourists mission of the project. The academic skill development, social and emotional development is emphasized in the programmer. Some of the learning experiences of this method include putting everything in an order counting and telling time as well as more creative and linguistic activities such as singing and dictating stories. This project as per history was initiated in 1962; some children were also involved (age group of 3 to 4 years old). There were teachers involved with the group of children and they spent few hours of the day at school. The teachers were attended with staff meetings and they were make Inning home visits at the same for the respected children taken for the project (Morris son, 2010). This programmer was an independent not for profit research, includes development, training and public awareness. The main principal Of the organization was to promote the learning and development of children worldwide from infancy through adolescence and to support and train educators and parents as they help children learn (Morrison, 2010). The theory thus believes that we learn by mentally and physically interacting with the environment and with others. Although errors may e made during these interactions, they are considered just another part of the learning process. The main principles of this approach is to: 1. Engaging the children and interaction with people, materials and ideas. 2. Get children involvement in conducting, planning and carrying out the intended activities. 3. Providing a curriculum based on the active learning processes. 4. Providing the children with us port on their personal decisions made. These summarized Key experiences were designed specifically for this approach. The key experiences for preschool children are: Creative representation Classification Language and literacy Serration Initiative and social relation Number Movement Space Music Time Plainview is another major component of the High/Scope framework. Children are encouraged to: plan the area, materials, and methods they are going to work with; do , actually carry out their plan; and 3) revive ewe 2) , articulate with the classroom community what they actually did during work time. The review time helps children bring closure to their work and link their actual work to their plan. Cleanup time is a natural part of philanderers. Environmental Set-Up The High Scope classroom is a materialistic learning environment. Usually, the locations for classroom materials are labeled to help children learn organization Anal skills. Materials are setup so that they are easily accessible at a childs level. This helps facilitate childrens active exploration (Klein, 2008). Teachers set up the classroom areas purposefully for children to explore and build social relationships, often with Hellenized areas for different activities. In 1991, Newsweek magazine noted that the system of 33 infant/toddler schools and reechoes in Regis Emilie were among the ten best school systems in the world. Over the last 35 years, the teachers in the Regis Emilie schools have taken the time to carry out a process of collaborative examination and analysis of teaching and learning about children n ( (Klein, 2008). First, familiarity with the Regis Emilie approach is integral to recent developments in early childhood theory and practice (Klein, 2008). Documentation is the approach by which the environment is used to explain the history of the projects and the school community. Flowcharts are used as an organized system of recording curriculum lancing and assessment based on ongoing collaboration and careful review. Flowcharts enhance the Regis curriculum. A flowchart records information in such a way that one can see the steepest process of how relationships are built; they help the teachers organize and keep in mind the nature and purpose of the curriculum. The purpose of a flowchart is to tell the past (what happened before), the present (what is being discussed now), and the future (what predictions can be made in preparation for what may emerge). Portfolios are a collection of a childs work that demonstrates the h lids efforts, progress, and achievements over time. Regis Emilie schools create homelike environments. In Regis, the homelike atmosphere is designed to help make children feel comfortable and learn practical life issues. Each child is provided a place to keep her own belongings. Documentation is a major part of the environmental setup. Documentation illustrates both the process and the product. In documentation, the child is seen as an individual but also in relation to a group, with various possibilities for the individual. Regis Emilie model is so called collaboration with teachers and staffs. While the High Scope method is about the importance of teaching of the cognitive approach needed to deliver the studies to the children. The teacher closely observes the process in the high scope method. The teacher is able to understand each childs thinking and development. In Regis Emilie method the teacher observe and listen to the children while they work in groups. And the teacher asses by asking questions in a broad manner and get a glimpse of the childrens ideas. Its a repeat process by which all teachers are partners with the children in the research and learning process. They believe that interaction is more important in development of the childrens minds, and the teachers give one to one attention to the child (Klein, 2008). The issue Of identifying the best approach is difficult. Issue in identifying a program good for children is making sure a program has not become too eclectic. Sometimes schools choose from so many different program models, aspects in the classroom contradict each other. For example, a school that follows an approach that wants children to learn actively, yet the program has borrowed the idea of children sitting and just repeating the teacher for most f the day.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Troubleshooting Problems in Crystal Growing

Troubleshooting Problems in Crystal Growing There may come a time when you will try to grow a crystal without success. Here are some ideas for possible problems and ways to correct them: No Crystal Growth This is usually caused by using a solution that isnt saturated. The cure is to dissolve more solute into the liquid. Stirring and applying heat can help to get solute into solution. Keep adding solute until you start to see some accumulate at the bottom of your container. Let it settle out of solution, then pour or siphon the solution off, being careful not to pick up undissolved solute. If you dont have any more solute to use, you can take some comfort in knowing that the solution will become more concentrated over time, as evaporation removes some of the solvents. You can speed this process by increasing the temperature where your crystals are growing or by increasing air circulation. Remember, your solution should be loosely covered with a cloth or paper to prevent contamination, not sealed. Saturation Problems If you are sure your solution is saturated, try to eliminate these other common reasons for the lack of crystal growth: Too much vibration:Â  Keep your crystal set up in a quiet, undisturbed location.Contaminant in the solution:Â  The fix is to re-make your solution. The fix only works if you can avoid contamination (wont work if your starting solute is the problem). Common contaminants include oxides from paper clips or pipe cleaners (if youre using them), detergent residue on the container, dust or something else falling into the container.Inappropriate temperature:Â  Experiment with temperature; you may need to increase the temperature around your crystals to get them to grow (increases evaporation). For some crystals, you may need to decrease the temperature (which slows the molecules down and gives them a chance to bind together).Solution cooled too quickly or slowly:Â  Did you heat your solution to saturate it? Should you heat it? Should you cool it? Experiment with this variable. If the temperature changed from the time you made the solution to the present time, the rate of cooling might ma ke a difference. You can increase the rate of cooling by putting the fresh solution in a refrigerator or freezer (faster) or leave it on a warm stove or in an insulated container (slower). If the temperature didnt change, maybe it should (heat the initial solution). Water wasnt pure:Â  If you used tap water, try re-making the solution using distilled water. If you have access to a chemistry lab, try deionized water that was purified by distillation or reverse osmosis. Remember: water is only as clean as its container! The same rules apply to other solvents.Too much light:Â  An unlikely problem with home crystals, but for certain materials, the energy from light can inhibit the formation of chemical bonds.No seed crystals:Â  If you are trying to grow a large single crystal, you will need to get a seed crystal first. For some substances, the seed crystals may form spontaneously on the side of the container. For others, you may need to pour a small amount onto a saucer and let it evaporate to get crystals. Sometimes crystals will grow best on a rough string suspended into the liquid. The composition of the string is important! You are more likely to get crystal growth on cotton or wool string than on nylon or a fluoropolymer.Seed crystals dissol ve when placed in the new container:Â  This happens when the solution isnt fully saturated. See above for details.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Nicaragua's vampire problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nicaragua's vampire problem - Essay Example Killing vampire bats is a vicious chain of never-ending diseases because of the variety of bats both harmful and beneficial. Rogers masterfully explains the confusion caused by these vampire bats by first dealing with the problem caused by these bats in the poor town of Nicaragua. He reveals how people are scandalized by the presence of these bats and how eventually the bats are killed and wiped off from the community altogether. Here Roger introduces a method of awareness by telling his readers that there are beneficial bats as well who take care of humans as they are involved in consuming insects, leading to pollination of flowers and lead to increase in forestation by throwing the seeds at different points. As opposed to the vampire bats, these bats do not transmit rabies. Roger employs another method to introduce his main purpose of the article. He informs the readers that in the process of killing all the bats, one neglects the fact that mosquito bites are even more deadly as they cause dengue fever. Killing beneficial bats hence increases the risk of another noxious disease. According to Roger the death of the various species of bats is not a positive sign. He chooses to inform the readers of this negligence in a roundabout manner so that they understand the gravity of the

Module 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Module 4 - Essay Example The main problem of the case is the whereby the Vice President of Human Resources is bestowed with the responsibility of coming up with a brand name for the company. Jamie Ricard who is the VP of Human Resources decides to approach The VP of Marketing who is Rita Lansing for an idea. The VP also approaches the CEO of the organization but they do not help her. The VP should have consulted the employees of the organization. The VP would have consulted other VP or other officials who have the position as her for an opinion. Finally, the VP would have consulted people who have come up with brand names for their companies. By consulting the employees she would have gained some insight in to the issue. If should have consulted her counterparts in other health institutions, they would have offered her a solution. Consulting someone who have experienced would have helped Jamie since she would have been guided all the way. The case is about Suburban Health Center. The case revolves around three people in the health centre. These are supervisor of the health department Helen Lawson, one nurse Dorothy Wilson, and Dr Morgan. The main problem is the Dr. Morgan wants Dorothy, the nurse to be fired by Helen. Morgan claimed that Dorothy was a weak communicator. Helen decide to review the personnel file of Helen, She also decided to meet Lila Moran who was the former supervisor for advise, and she also decided to maintain a file about Wilson. By reviewing her time sheets, she would have seen how she spends her time, By reviewing her report, she would have made a good decision, by seeking help, she would have known whether the claims were true or

Friday, October 18, 2019

What are the Pro's and Con's of Obama Care Research Proposal

What are the Pro's and Con's of Obama Care - Research Proposal Example alysis of the research topic will further assist in having a comprehensive understanding about the intentions and implications of the healthcare plan for the people. In the US, healthcare plans and policies are developed as well as implemented with the objective of providing better care and treatment services for the public. Principally, initiators of healthcare plans aim at providing adequate care along with treatment services in a cost effective manner, contributing to the overall social health altogether. Additionally, the US government has been spending substantial amounts of funds concentrated on the continuous development and growth of healthcare segments and policies for the enhancement of the entire healthcare system. In this regard, Obama Care was introduced as an affordable healthcare plan, under the Affordable Care Act. Obama Care has been initiated with the provision of offering affordable as well as low cost health and care services to a large number of uninsured people. The health plan has been implemented in order to improve insurance coverage. The plan is beneficial for providing affordable health services with better coverage. O n the other hand, the health plan has been criticized on the ground of racial prejudice and additional taxes. However, healthcare industry analysts criticized healthcare plans implemented through the Obama Care healthcare bill as fragmented in approach. Hence, the healthcare plan was also recognized to be ineffective as well as inefficient in its approach. In order to justify this claim, the healthcare plans were recognized to be inadequately covered within the diverse population. Contextually, the healthcare plans were perceived to provide uneven healthcare facilities and services. In addition, they were seen to have increasing gaps between the intended benefits to be delivered to the people and the realistic approach taken by the government (Chua, 2006). Subsequently, in this p proposed research study, a critical

Physics lab report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Physics - Lab Report Example The experiment made use of a glider placed in an air track and suspended on two springs. The setup is at rest and remains at rest because the springs subject an equal force on the glider; they cancel each other; it is at a stable equilibrium position. The force applied on the setup in particular direction results a net force that acts on the glider and tries to return to the equilibrium state. The combined forces pull in a manner that the resultant force takes It to the original position; determined as restoring force. When the glider is brought to the original position, it is still under the influence of velocity and therefore goes beyond the default position by overshoot moving to the opposite direction from the earlier force. The overshoot results in the whole drag to equilibrium starting all over again. The back and forth motion is referred to as an oscillation. Mathematically known as sine and cosine function; simple harmonic motion. To analyze the problem let x be an instantaneous position of the glider while x0 is the equilibrium position. When the glider moves from the equilibrium position, the restoring force is F. without applying too much force resultant forces are linear hence force equation is; It implies that when the glider moves away from the equilibrium, restoring force becomes bigger. F is proportional to x. k is the spring constant. The sign (-) represents the restoration character of the force in the setup. A positive different in (x-x0) indicates that the force is negative x direction. A negative (x-x0) implies a positive force direction. Given a displacement initially A = x-x0, F = -kA, and accelerates towards the negative x-axis towards equilibrium; x = x0 where the restoring force is zero. It passes beyond x0 to the opposite direction and arrives with x-x0 = -A at zero velocity and it is pulled back. This forth and back motion goes on and results to oscillations. Without friction, kinetic energy and potential energy remain the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Reflective paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Reflective paper - Essay Example Pieces of art communicate to the art lovers in different ways but a precise knowledge of the gender of the artist would shed some light on what they wanted to put across. Through art, men could express appreciation of the female figure or shape as well as exploitation of the same while feminists have used art to their advantage to express woman power and their solidarity as women. Gender difference means that gender constitutes a system of meanings consisting two exclusive and opposite categories, which encompass all people. Gender has its basis on cultural interpretations of existing biological differences between men and women and not so much as the differences that exist biologically per se. Gender difference is represented in the physiological features and the appeal that revealing of body parts by women has to men even in advertisement (Leder & Geger et al. 2-10). The man is represented with a flat burst while that of women is protruding in form of breasts. The physical features themselves show a clear difference between the masculine and the feminine. The muscle in the forearms suggests masculinity while curves and hips suggest femininity. Human beings are sensate beings and our interpretation of the world is through our senses (Leder & Geger et al. 2-10). Gender and family are very significant determinants of the physical as well as social environments represented in art. The physical constructions order as well as direct activities, feelings of identity, and relationships in very profound ways. These quite different construct types share a unique mutually determinant relationship with one another. At any specific time in history, ideas concerning family and gender are used in art to determine the physical location and design of open places, places of work, and dwellings including other designed settings. It is these environments that eventually reinforce and support the ideas of gender in art that were used to generate them.

Summary essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Summary - Essay Example In this part, Yagelski and Miller focuses on discussing the meaning and essence of an argument, and as well as how to analyze the different kinds of arguments that they may read or encounter, in which they argued that analyzing both the argument itself and the audience is important (Yagelski and Miller 100-140). Some of the most important concepts that Yagelski and Miller illustrated include understanding what is an argument and its purposes, the different contexts present in argumentation, and as well as the different kinds of argumentation in relation with how they are presented in tri-media—that is, print, visual and electronic. The second part of the book tried to illustrate the basic concepts of composing an argument. In this case, the authors discussed the different models of argumentation, including the different meanings of ethos, pathos and logos and how they are utilized on argumentation, the basics of the Toulmin Model of Argumentation, and as well as evaluating cla ims and warrants. ... Here, Yagelski and Miller asserted that while managing how to compose is important, the expectations of the audience is as equally important, and that it must always be taken into consideration whenever making an argument (Yagelski and Miller 317-345). In addition, the authors added that doing solid research is also important in making a solid argument, especially when one is able to make a comprehensive structure of arguments according to credible evidences. While doing research may determine a lot on how to make an argument credible and believable, properly documenting the different sources that were used also plays an important part. In fact, both Yagelski and Miller confirms that while good sources may make an argument credible and believable, utilizing bad sources can also destroy the credibility of an argument (Yagelski and Miller 427-451). In order to make research and documentation scholarly, the authors presented the different ways on documenting sources, including the MLA a nd APA style. The last part of the book tries to illustrate the different kinds of arguments, presenting different pieces of arguments in very hot issues such as gun control, immigration control, AIDS, and even literary criticism. In this part of the book, Yagelski and Miller claimed that while different styles of argument are used in every context of argumentation, anyone can still make a solid argument in any issue as long as the argument is actually grounded in solid research, has been constructed clearly, systematically and strategically, and has met the expectations of the audience in a way that gained their sympathy and belief (Yagelski and Miller 600-678). The nice thing about this part of the book is that it presents the readers a wide

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Reflective paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Reflective paper - Essay Example Pieces of art communicate to the art lovers in different ways but a precise knowledge of the gender of the artist would shed some light on what they wanted to put across. Through art, men could express appreciation of the female figure or shape as well as exploitation of the same while feminists have used art to their advantage to express woman power and their solidarity as women. Gender difference means that gender constitutes a system of meanings consisting two exclusive and opposite categories, which encompass all people. Gender has its basis on cultural interpretations of existing biological differences between men and women and not so much as the differences that exist biologically per se. Gender difference is represented in the physiological features and the appeal that revealing of body parts by women has to men even in advertisement (Leder & Geger et al. 2-10). The man is represented with a flat burst while that of women is protruding in form of breasts. The physical features themselves show a clear difference between the masculine and the feminine. The muscle in the forearms suggests masculinity while curves and hips suggest femininity. Human beings are sensate beings and our interpretation of the world is through our senses (Leder & Geger et al. 2-10). Gender and family are very significant determinants of the physical as well as social environments represented in art. The physical constructions order as well as direct activities, feelings of identity, and relationships in very profound ways. These quite different construct types share a unique mutually determinant relationship with one another. At any specific time in history, ideas concerning family and gender are used in art to determine the physical location and design of open places, places of work, and dwellings including other designed settings. It is these environments that eventually reinforce and support the ideas of gender in art that were used to generate them.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Corporate Strategy - HBOS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Corporate Strategy - HBOS - Essay Example It was the HBOS Group Reorganisation Act 2006, a private Act of Parliament, which gives more operational freedom to the group. With this Bank of Scotland has become its principal banking subsidiary. It has three more subsidiaries such as Halifax plc, HBOS Australia and HBOS Insurance and Investment Group Limited. While Halifax operates as retail banking division in Scotland, England and Northern Ireland, Bank of Scotland is main retail banking division in Scotland. Formed in 2004, HBOS Australia is a consolidation of group's companies in Australia. HBOS Insurance and Investment group manages insurance and investment products in UK and Europe. HBOS is launched as a 'New Force' in banking and claimed as a major and distinctive new competitor in the UK financial service markets. It has about 22 million customers all over the world and unique expertise of the global banking scenario. It has three strong divisions of retail banking, corporate banking and investment. It is believed that su ccessful acquisition and integration of many banking units has helped HBOS to emerge as a major financial conglomerate in Europe. Its average growth is around 10 percent. It operates under a number of well known brands. Businesses that actively pursue innovation generate more growth and profits than those that do not. This process will give the institution higher brand awareness and appeal. Last few years HBOS has been introducing innovative and customer oriented measures to achieve this goal. This has given it an upper hand in the industry. In its long years of existence it has been adding up more products and services to cater to the different needs of the people. The globalization, liberalization and privatization process has opened up new opportunities and challenges for the bank. The bank has entered into new markets with a global vision. In the recent period, it has grown to become a leading financial mall and global finance retail network. The market capitalization of the group is the fourth largest in UK. With assets of over 400 billion, HBOS is UK's largest mortgage and savings provider. It has several high profile brands including Bank of Scotland, Halifax, Birmingham Midshires, Intellige nt Finance and Clerical Medical. But with globalization is turning to new trajectory challenges and opportunities before banks such as HBOS are crucial and thought provoking. Financial sphere of the world has changed a lot with free flow of fund and resources from continent to continent or countries to countries. Financial institutions are now compelled to find new models of growth. There are lot of pressure from investors, shareholders, promoters and customers for fulfilling growing expectations. But squeezing margins, impact of technology and increasing competition are compelling banks to reduce cost as low as possible. Today's banking has more global behavior than local flavour. The management has to taken into consideration lot of global and demographic issues before giving shape to a product, service or strategy. The risk management has got more concentration among bankers. Also expectations of customers are growing more with peer bank competition. Most of the banks in Western countries have now entered into hi gh potential new destinations such as India, China and North American countries. They are also adapting both organic and inorganic growth models to survive in the new context. Today's financial service industry is facing lot of problems. While they have to drive the business

Monday, October 14, 2019

Various sources of finance Essay Example for Free

Various sources of finance Essay In addition to bank loans there is a range of alternative sources of finance available. At same time, a loan from a bank might not be the best way forward for every business. THESE ARE THE MOST POPULAR ROUTES: 1. Own finance – one can choose to start his own business by using his own financial resources. This may be from savings accounts or other investments that he has. Typically, it is not advised that one should fund his start-up from personal overdrafts, loans or credit cards as these are not necessarily tailored to your business needs or requirements. 2. Family and friends You may have family and friends who wish to invest in your business. This is often convenient and may allow you to get finance on favorable terms. However, make sure you have a formal agreement of loan terms in place so you or your family and friends are not left unprotected in the event that you are unable to repay the loan. 3. Banks: The most common forms of finance used by start-ups are: †¢Business overdrafts Banks offer overdrafts as a form of short-term finance. These are available to companies that have business current accounts. They are a good way of covering any fluctuations of money coming in and going out of your business. †¢Term loans Loans are designed to help you buy equipment and supplies for your business. They are best if you need to buy fixed assets, such as machinery or office equipment, where the amount you need is not going to change. 4. Grants These are a good option for businesses looking for financial assistance for specific projects. mostly, funding comes from EC and UK government sources, including local authorities, charitable trusts,( e.g. prince Charles trust funds) and corporate sponsors. Further on 5. Loans It is not just banks that can provide a loan. Business support organizations such as enterprise and development agencies can help businesses looking for loans. The National Enterprise Network is a good example: 6. Business Angels Often high net worth individuals, Business Angels invest in high growth businesses on their own or as part of a syndicate. In addition to providing finance, Business Angels often make available to companies their own skills, experience and contacts. If you are interested in finding out if a Business Angel is right for you, visit: http://

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre: A reconsideration :: Character Analysis, Miss Temple

In Lowood, a great part of Jane's character will be based on the concepts of (in)visibility as well as on the power of the gaze. Talking about Miss Temple, Jane Eyre says that Miss Temple's "language" has: "something which chastened the pleasure of those who looked on her" (Ch. , p.69). Unlike most of Jane's visibilities, Miss Temple 's is a positive visibility that pleases the beholder's eyes. One may say this is because Jane loves this teacher and she is, more likely blinded by her love and admiration for Miss Temple. However, there is a sense of pleasantness associated with the character of Miss Temple. Such claims might be truer in the case of Jane who once goes on to say: "The refreshing meals, the brilliant fire. . . . they glowed in the bright tint of her cheek. (p. 70) After the departure of Miss Temple Jane who now "lost" her "stead" mother and till this moment has never left Lowood is "dawned" by what she calls "another discovery" (p 81): I had undergone a transforming process; that my mind had put off all it had borrowed of Miss Temple †¦. My world had for some years been in Lowood, my experience had been of its rules and systems; now I remember that the real world is wide†¦ (81) The invisibility of Miss Temple has posed an opportunity for Jane's mind eye to transgress the visible (Lowood with all what it meant to Jane) to the invisible (or what she calls the "real world") which, at this very moment, at least, invisible to her as it lies beyond the walls of this institution. It is this unthought-of-invisible that fashions Jane's character in the coming chapters of the novel. It also determines her power of the gaze: That is the way she looks at and feels about the world around her. Jane's new romantic self becomes a corollary of her interest in exploring the invisible that lies beyond the boundaries of Lowood. The new transformed self is also reflected in Jane's forgiveness of her aunt Sarah Reed when she visits her at a latter time. I saw her in a black gown †¦. From the town (85) I looked I saw a woman attired like a well-dressed servant (86) After miss Temple's departure from Lowood, Jane starts thinking ambitiously of knowing what lies beyond the boundaries of Lowood school:

Saturday, October 12, 2019

King Louis XIV: A Disastrous Ruler Essay -- European History Essays

King Louis XIV: A Disastrous Ruler It is often debated whether or not the reign of King Louis XIV had a positive or negative effect on France. Although there were improvements during his reign in transportation, culture, and national defense, there were far more negative aspects. He depleted the national treasury with his liberal spending on personal luxuries and massive monuments. His extreme fear of the loss of power led to poor decision making, which caused the court to be of lower quality. King Louis XIV’s disastrous rule brought about a series of effects that influenced the French Revolution in the following century. King Louis XIV's 72 year reign was incredibly influential in shaping French history. King Louis XIV’s childhood was traumatic because of â€Å"La Fronde† which was a noble rebellion against the monarchy. This experience taught King Louis XIV to distrust the nobles. It was for this reason that he eventually excluded nobility from the council and surrounded himself with loyal ministers whom he could control. He also separated the aristocracy from the people of France by moving the court to the Palace of Versailles. One of the most notable of King Louis XIV’s decisions was that he refused to appoint another Prime Minister after the death of Prime Minister Mazarin. Every decision, from the declaration of war to the approval of a passport, went through him personally. During his reign as king, France participated in several wars including the War of Devolution, in Anglo-Dutch War, and the War of the Spanish Succession. Another major action he took was the proclamation of the Edict of Fontainebleau, which revoked the Edict of Nantes, imposing religious uniformity through Catholi... ...roblems and turned a great number of people against the monarchy. These events lead to the resentment that was another key factor in beginning the French Revolution. The end of King Louis XIV’s rule was especially disastrous. After the death of his advisor Colbert, King Louis XIV made even more horrible and costly decisions. He further enlarged the military and entered into many wars in which he lost a great deal of her newly acquired territories and increased the national debt even more. In short, the reign of King Louis XIV had a disastrous impact on France. His liberal spending, appointing of easily controlled people to court, revoking the freedom of religion, and poor decision making sparked the economic burdens and resentment of the aristocracy that were major factors in the French Revolution and the eventual downfall of the French monarchy.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Moore Medical Corporation – Analysis to It Investments

CASE ANALYSIS Document Version: 1. 0 Moore Medical Corporation Analysis to IT investments Dilip IT for Business Managers Business Background †¢ Moore Medical Corporation founded in 1947 is a distributor of medical supplies. The company had built its business model taking care of specific groups of practitioners such as podiatrists and emergency medical service personnel. †¢ Moore provides more than 8500 products and the company had divided its customers into six groups. Moore has a strong tradition of accurately maintaining customer orders. †¢ Moore’s current IT infrastructure and spending was above the industry average implementing most of the latest technologies like ERP, telemarketing and e-commerce. Case Issues and Results Issue – 1: Linda Autore, the CEO of Moore Medical, Inc was unsure if she needed to spend any of the company’s funds on CRM software. Solution and Analysis: It is definitely true that CRM provides an integrated record of all customer contacts through all channels, assembling an optimal schedule of appointments for sales people which would lead to a better consistency of Moore’s interaction with its customers; however from the analysis of the case I see that Moore has currently a tradition of accurately and quickly filling customer orders which had no problems. From the technology perspective it is definitely great to get a company like Moore to be updated with CRM but however looking at the current problem that Moore faces I believe it’s not worth wasting an investment in CRM. Issue – 2: Moore has spent $7 million in implementing the ERP; however Moore’s ERP implementation was not very satisfying since it was not fully utilizing the information retained in the system and was also inferior to what had been in place previously. Solution and Analysis: ERP is an excellent database system provided it has been implemented with respect to the company’s requirements. From the case I see that Moore’s ERP was unsuccessful and had shortcomings that were required to be fixed immediately. ERP covers all areas from finance, logistics to marketing and also Moore’s latest e-commerce website. I believe an additional investment of $600,000 to purchase the ‘Bolt on’ software is necessary to realize the $7 million investment made in the ERP. Issue – 3: One of the major problems faced with Moore in their ERP systems was their poor implementation of demand planning. Moore’s performance on the â€Å"Perfect Order† was way below their expected goal of 90% as shown in Exhibit 5. Solution and Analysis: It is mentioned in the case that 84% of the non-perfect orders are due to demand planning issues. Even if the company spends $300,000 on each of the four models which are in consideration to solve the forecasting issue the company would spend only $1. million. It must be noted that this additional cost will help the company in increased revenues, reduced costs and better customer satisfaction. Issue – 4: Is Company’s decision to move to personal e-commerce a right choice? Solution: From the available information and looking at exhibit 7 I believe the traffic and income generated towards personal e-commerce has been increased substantially in six months since the start of the new website. However my suggestion to Moore is that it withdraws from yahoo is a phased manner. Relevance and analysis From the analysis of Moore Corporation I believe they have made relevant investments in IT infrastructure; however the company lacks a strategy to implement them. I believe the company needs to prioritize their requirements from their business point of view. Here I believe CRM is an important tool to improve customer relationships but however they need to set their prior projects right before setting their eye on CRM. Their initial priority is to set right the ERP which would set right the demand planning issue also. Setting the ERP right would help also help in achieving good revenue from e-commerce applications. IT is definitely a solution to a particular problem, such as customer acquisition and retention, increased revenues and provides employees an efficient tool; however the goals of IT should be linked to the corporate strategy. Investing blindly in IT without a strategy will not derive the desired result.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Psychology Milgram experiment Essay

As a participant in Milgram’s (1963) study I would be tormented at the thought of inflicting pain to another person, I also would at least think about whether what I am doing is right and whether the experiment was really genuine or it was some macabre experiment bent on torturing other people. I would probably be one of the few in Milgram’s (1963) study who refused raising the voltage of electric shocks and maybe be among those who balked out of the experiment due to anxiety and guilt. After the debriefing, I would feel deceived and angry with the researcher because I was put through an ordeal that did not really happen. The experiment required that the researcher prod the participant to inflict more electric shocks, and I would probably base my willingness to push the button on the cries of the learner. I would surely refuse the researcher’s demands because I know I am not doing the right thing. On the other hand, if the debriefing would explain why deception was necessary, I would understand the experiment and maybe not hold it against the researcher. However, I am sure that I would still feel deceived and manipulated; it would be an experience that would stay with me for a long time and may even influence how I perceive experiments and researchers. If I was part of an ethics review committee, I would not consider Milgram’s (1963) study as acceptable and protective of participants because aside from debriefing, he did not have any other safeguard procedure to protect the participants. In Milgram’s (1963) study, the shrieks and cries of the learner increased the anxiety and guilt of the participant, and I think it was deliberately designed to evoke the feelings of anxiety of the participants no matter how he argued that the effects of the experiment to the participants were not anticipated. The learners were told to respond to the electric shock as if it was actually happening to them making it more believable to the participant, and by doing so; it also led the participant to believe that they are actually causing that reaction to the learners. Therefore, the potential benefits gained from the study does not outweigh the sufferings that it brought to the participants, and ethically, it does not justify the use of deception (Spata, 2003), the debriefing was also conducted late wherein the participants had already believed that they were responsible for another person’s pain and it failed to protect the welfare of the participants. Without the criticisms and reactions against the experiment on obedience, the ethical issue of using deception in experiments would have not been given attention. At present the American Psychological Association (APA, 2003) have only allowed deception when alternative procedures that are nondeceptive are not available and only if the potential benefits and knowledge gained from the research outweighs the risks of the effects of deception to the participants. In addition, deception is not allowed if the experiment would likely inflict physical and emotional distress to the participants.

Brown V. Board of Education Essay

Brown v Board of Education is a historical landmark case that dismantled segregation laws and established a great milestone in the movement toward true equality. The Supreme Courts unanimously decided on Brown v. Board of Education that â€Å"separate but equal is inherently unequal.† Ruling that no state had the power to pass a law that deprived anyone from his or her 14th amendment rights. For my historical analysis I will use Richard Kluger’s â€Å"Simple Justice†, in which he argues, â€Å"that the Declaration of Independence was marred by hypocrisy—all men were not equal if black†. His book will assist me in learning the policies that lead to and surrounded this case. Using interviews I conducted, where I questioned inner city high school students of their schooling experience in comparison to my brother who attends a predominately white privileged private school, I will ultimately uncover the many inequalities that still exist today. While researching I interviewed my great-Aunt Bertha, who grew up in the state of Mississippi, she had a first-hand experience of life before Brown v Board of Education and life after the Supreme Court ruled on the case, her life was changed forever. My research will focus on not only a historical analysis of what occurred, but how far America has claimed to truly come in dealings with race relations, and the inequalities that still exist today. The American Civil War was fought from 1861 to 1865 between the United States also known as the â€Å"Union† and the few southern states that announced their separation from the United States known as the â€Å"Confederates†. The war was based mainly on differing opinions on the issue of slavery. The war lasted about four years and the results yielded in the Confederacy being defeated by the Union. Upon defeating the Confederates, the Union abolished slavery. From that moment on the process of rebuilding the Union as a strong united nation began. This Union was to guarantee freedom to slaves and began the process of having former slaves obtain rights entitled to all citizens. Once the Civil War had ended, so did the policy of legal slavery. However former Confederate leaders did not intend on allowing the former slaves to have all the same rights as whites nor did they intend for former slaves to be counted equally as citizens. Just before the end of the war, congress had passed the Morrill Act of 1862. This act was to provide for federal funding of higher education. Former slave-holding states decided to find loop holes in allowing former slaves to benefit from the new federal funding as they were not ready to asked them as citizens or even human for that matter. Post-Civil War, the fourteenth amendment to the United States Constitution granted equal protection under the law to all citizens. Although the amendment was put into effect Congress knew the transition from slave to citizen with a hand full of rights would be difficult for former slaves so to help with the transition process Congress created the Freedmen’s Bureau. This program was created to assist in the integration of former slave into society as citizens. At the end of the reconstruction period in 1877 former Confederate states implemented random laws that would blatantly go against the federal law and the constitutional right granted b y the 14th amendment to all including African Americans for equal treatment under the law. Southern state believed they could somehow obey federal orders by having equality yet keeping order by having races remain separate. For many years the court at both state and federal level claimed the 14th amendment applied only to federal, not state, citizenship, therefore they had no control over how a state thought to treat or label an African American on their land. This was proven true of the court in the 1863 Civil Rights Case heard before the Supreme Court. This case was made up of five lower level court cases and made into one because they all had the same claim. In this case The Court held that Congress lacked the constitutional authority under the enforcement provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment to outlaw racial discrimination by private individuals and organizations, rather than state and local governments. After the end of Reconstruction, the federal government generally did not hear racial segregation cases instead advising the issue be left up to each individual state to handle. In understanding Brown v Board of Education one must first understand a little about Plessey v Ferguson. The issue in this case was can the states constitutionally enact legislation requiring persons of different races to use â€Å"separate but equal† segregated facilities? And the Court ruled, yes. The states can constitutionally enact legislation requiring persons of different races to use â€Å"separate but equal† segregated facilities, this coming from the highest Court of the land. The trouble with this ideology was that it is contradictory even in its simplest form. Although the Constitution required equality, the facilities and social services offered to African-Americans were almost always of lower quality than those offered to white Americans; for example, many African American schools received less public funding per student than nearby white schools. Public water fountains, which were label â€Å"colored†, were always of lower quality than those labeled for â€Å"whites†. Life went on lived with this flawed idea of serrate equality for many years creating an inferior class of citizens, black were at the bottom and therefore not equal. Many people have tried to challenge the â€Å"separate but equal† rule but most went unheard and those that were heard failed have a change occur. Eventually in 1954 a case did make it on the Supreme Court docket, that case was Linda Brown v. Board of Education. Brown v Board of Education asked the Supreme Court to answer the question of does the segregation of children in public schools s olely on the basis of race deprive the minority children of the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the 14th Amendment? Blacks wanted justice and wanted this question to be answered and clarified for all the nation that they too are people entitle to all the same rights as whites. Thurgood Marshall was one of leading attorney, and civil rights activists, who fought against the segregation laws and policies that were violating the rights of African Americans, especially the children. Kulger â€Å"†¦the African Americans were going to ask equal treatment from top to bottom; buses, buildings, teachers, teacher’s salaries, teaching materials. Everything the same. Anything less was patently in violation of the Fourteenth amendement, Thurgood Marshall explained. â€Å" (18) Thurgood Marshall was one of leading attorney, and civil rights activists, who fought against the segregation laws and policies that were violating the rights of African Americans, especially the children. Kulger Black children were denied admission to public schools attended by white children under laws requiring or permitting segregation according to the races. Linda Browns father though it to be insane that just based solely on the color of his daughters skin she would have to travel really far across train tracks to go to the black only school when they lived near by a school that happened to be labeled whites only. The National Association of the Advancement of Colored People picked up his case, making Linda Brown the poster girl for the cause; She was the embodiment of young black students that were not getting an adequate education that they are entitled to. Brown embellished the ideal look of an average, young, innocent girl, just trying to go to school like any other White child would. The NAACP hired a team of lawyers and civil rights activist to petition the court to hear out the constitutionality of this issue. The lawyers on the case complied many other cases into the same bulk because they all asked of the court the same question, which was the constitutionality of the separate but equal. The Supreme Court ultimately decided in favor of Brown and cited, â€Å"despite the equalization of the schools by â€Å"objective† factors, intangible issues foster and maintain inequality. Racial segregation in public education has a detrimental effect on minority children because it is interpreted as a sign of inferiority. The long-held doctrine that separate facilities were permissible provided they were equal was rejected. Separate but equal is inherently unequal in the context of public education.† This decision called for an end to all state maintained racial segregation. Although the legal end was called for the mentality of many remained the same some going so far as to verbally and physically torture blacks that would dare utilize the same facilities as whites. Brown v Board of Education was decided in 1954 approximately 60 years ago but the strong effects of life before the decision still live on today even in the State of New York which is known to be progre ssive and liberal I find myself surround by many disparities. Within the New York Public school system for example. Although we are not literally labeled certain schools as a black school or a white schools the idea of zoning children into schools based on their address is just the new form of â€Å"separate but equal† in my eyes. I had the pleasure of interviewing a fellow political science major at The City College of New York. John Miller shared with me his experience within the New York City public school system, where he was educated until his graduation from high school or as he called it â€Å"aging out† of the system. John described in detail his experience of never having shared a classroom with a white person before enrolling at City College. John was born and raised in the Bedford Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn, New York. Bedford Stuyvesant is widely known as the black cultural mecca of Brooklyn, similar to what Harlem is to Manhattan. He explained to me the way New York City public school system works from kindergarten through 9th grade. Children are assigned a school tha t is in close proximity to their neighborhood. If they don’t like the school they are assigned to, which many do not, the answer from authority figures is â€Å"tough luck† or simply â€Å"move†. Unfortunately John was one of the students that had to stay in his underfunded school. He also told me about his best friend who was one of the lucky few that gained admission into a charter school (which seems to be the only way out of the failed Bedstuy public schools) in downtown Brooklyn. His friend was admitted into the school because his mother’s employer noticed what she felt was great intelligence for someone whose mother was a simple housekeeper. While he spent the day watching his mother clean her house she simply made a phone call to one of her friends who happened to be a big donor to the charter school and in just a few weeks he was being bussed to a 21st century private charter school. He was one of the lucky few to made it out. Miller is now at the University of Chicago studying biology, I hope of becoming a doctor. Most of their childhood friends from the neighborhood are either in prison most for crimes of necessity given their unfortunate circumstances. He described how another friend would frequently steal from the local grocery story to supply his family with food. Miller would like to point out that he is not trying to create excuses for the crimes committed, however he is sympathetic to their reasoning. He is also not oblivious to the fact that not all the crimes his childhood friends are being incarcerated for are crime of necessity but rather some are crimes of pure boredom. He is not sure where to place blame or on who in either circumstance. The past stories accounts for the majority of the men John knew but the women are not excluding from this group of underachievers. Most became pregnant at an extremely early age giving birth to children out of wedlock. They gave birth with the expectation that there is always â€Å"food stamps/welfare† I don’t need a job† while others are working dead end jobs making minimum wage. In his community education is clearly not something to value and I would make the claim that it is because from kindergarten the schools in this community are underfunded and have teacher who don’t care working in the system. If the teachers don’t care neither will the students and so the cycle continues. Was this system plan and created by our white socioeconomic counter part? We were taught to believe Brown v Board of Education would change our lives forever. Once the high Court made the claim that â€Å"separate but equal† actually was impossible to accomplish and an oxymoron within itself. Mississippi was so defiant towards the Brown v. Board of Education case, schools in the state refused to integrate. Therefore the federal courts in 1969 had to modify the Mississippi â€Å"desegregation order†. People still had their racist ideologies and even today 4 of the schools are â€Å"single-raced†, although it is legally outlawed. My aunt Bertha was a student in the Mississippi public school system in the year prior to and post Brown v. Board of education. She vividly recalls sitting with her family around a radio and hearing the Chief Justice announce the courts decision to declare â€Å"separate but equal† unconstitutional. Making separate schools for whites and black she thought would immediately become a something of the past. She admits to being very nervous yet excited about the idea of going to schools that white people would also go to. She even recalls telling her dad â€Å"maybe we wont have to share books anymore† pointing to the fact that her school was so underfunded and there weren’t enough books to go around. Bertha says 2 years after the decision was handed down by the court she remained a student at a school on the east side of the track which were for black and the whites remained enrolled in the other school. She visits once a year now for her high school reunion and is just now starting to notice some integration almost 60 plus years later the principle proudly announced we â€Å"now have a white population of 2.3 percent† although she was proudly to see Brown v. Education being implemented into her hometown she still is saddened by the fact that people of color on her side of the track could potentially go through life without ever having much interaction with the other race if they so chose. This saddens her because we are now living in 2012 and our President is black however whites and some blacks still seem very uncomfortable with they idea of being together, not just in the classroom but also in all aspects of life. â€Å"Segregation was an unmitigated evil, and no black man anywhere in America was free of its scar so long as the Supreme Court tolerated it† (290) We are still living in a systematic world of segregation in the New York City School System in the public and private sector. Schools where most of the students are minorities get underfunded. Is this a problem of economics? Distribution? Or an ongoing internal racism that often gets ignored? BIBLIOGRAPHY Kluger, Richard. Simple Justice: The History of Brown v. Board of Education and Black America’s Struggle for Equality. New York: Vintage, 2004. Print. â€Å"Mississippi Schools Still Segregated Despite Court Order.† Breaking News for Black America RSS. NewsOne Staff, 4 May 2011. Web. 18 Dec. 2012. Miller, J (2012, 5 October) Personal Interview Moore, B (2012 15, October) Telephone Interview

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Organizational Tax Research and Planning - Estate Tax Paper

Organizational Tax and Planning - Estate Tax - Research Paper Example The total value of estate tax is referred to as Gross Estate, while the tax itself is estimated by taking the Fair Market Value of the total taxable estate. If the estate is associated with any Mortgage or fees payable for setting the estate, then the Gross Estate is adjusted to that amount. The Net Value of Estate, which is reduced by the value of exemptions stipulated in the Laws, is the net amount after allowing for all the possible deductions. Case advise In the current case, a wealthy couple owns a farm and a number of businesses that they would like to bestow to their three children. They would like to be advised how to minimize tax against this property, so their children can enjoy the maximum benefit. In order to effectively bequeath the property to their descendants when they die, the couple should exercise proper estate planning, and particularly focus on matters of he estate tax. Looking at the provisions of Estate Tax, it appears that Estate Tax is a must pay tax that is imposed on the transfer of property following the death of the transferor. While it is not possible to avoid this tax, there are a number of ways that the couple can use to evade or legally minimize the impact of this tax. The couple should ensure that they choose the most efficient method of transferring property to their descendants by minimizing estate tax. This includes use of techniques that guarantees minimization of estate tax, which will be discussed later in this paper. Question 2 The current IRS’s provision is that Estate Tax is taxable up to a maximum rate of 35% and exempted up to $120,000. When computing the amount of taxable estate amount, some specific deductions are also available, which are valid up to the end of 2013 only. Beyond this exemption, the value usually reduces to $1,000,000 while the Estate Tax increases to 55%. Some of the significant changes, which have been suggested by the US President, include increasing the tax rate to 45% and introducing an exemption of up to $3,500,000. Certainly, this proposal will not go down very well with the taxpayers and if it is implemented in its current status, it is likely to cause more harm than the benefit it is intended for. The suggestion will impose a heavy burden on the US public, and hence it is important for the congress to device ways of making estate tax provisions friendlier to the taxpayers. In this regards, different congress groups have suggested a number of proposals, which include the following. i. The Extenders group from the farming estate has suggested that the status quo should be upheld in the future, which means the tax collector should continue exempting up to $5,120,000 and imposing tax at the rate of 35%. ii. The conformers support the president’s proposal, which will reduce the amount of exemption to $3,500,000 and increase tax rate to 45%. Therefore, their wish is that this proposal is incorporated in the Estate Tax laws. iii. The Reversers group demands th at the 2001/2002 tax provisions should be reinstated. This provision puts exempted amount at $1,000,000 and the Estate Tax at 55%. Ideally there are five options open to the current estate tax. These include: (i) amendment of the estate tax, (ii) passing of a compromise bill, (iii) extension of TRUIRJCA, (iv) maintaining of the status quo, and (v) implementing of the new suggestion in its current st

Monday, October 7, 2019

A case study on Inuit environment and resources, and their Research Paper

A case study on Inuit environment and resources, and their relationship to Inuit culture and belief system - Research Paper Example They have their own distinct literature, music and arts, most of which are created to praise and worship the spirits that guide them in their everyday lives. The term Inuit refers to the group of aboriginal people that live and occupy the Arctic region from Greenland to the east of Siberia (Park). They arrived in the Arctic from Asia through land bridges, as a matter of fact, it is settled that they are â€Å"the last people to cross from Asia† (King, 9). Needless to state, the Arctic is perhaps the most unlivable place on earth – forever cold and frozen – yet the Inuit have made it home. They lived off of the abundance of the sea and whatever is found on land. They made tools from animal bones and rocks which are then used to make clothing from animal skin and fur. For their fuel which they use for cooking and lighting, they have learned to extract the oils from sea mammals like whales. (King, 9) The land and the sea provide for all their needs, and they return the favor by making offerings to the spirits of nature. With the help and guidance of the spirits, the Inuit was able to develop things that made living in the harsh environment easier. They live in an igloo, travel on water with the kayak and on land with dogsleds, use ulu which is a knife used by women for household chores, and discover the utility of the quilliq which is a small stove made of stone. During the never-ending winter season, the quilliq not only cooks their food but also provide heat and light to the entire household. (The Inuit Way, 8) The Inuit boasts of a very rich and colorful culture which is in stark contrast to the monotony of their natural environment. Despite contact with foreigners, the Inuit have been successful in preserving their cultural heritage and identity, with the preservation of Inuktitut, the Inuit language. To ensure that the younger generations never forget their identity, small children are taught to play the traditional games and

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Individual Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Individual - Assignment Example Apart from these MySpace has a wide variety of applications like a special classifieds page which allows opportunity for the user to buy and sell products online. Thus, this company offers opportunity to expand a business into varying horizons. MySpace also offers sale of goods hassle free and with minimum overheads. The site maximizes the opportunity for product exposure through its advertisements on the website. MySpace offers business marketing. â€Å"It takes managerial talent to identify whether or not the firm has valuable resources and capabilities and to decide how best to use them to maximize returns† (Brickley 2007, p. 247). Organizational architecture is one of the key elements behind the successful functioning of any business. As a manager, it is necessary to create and sustain value and it can be done through the creation of multiple fronts and multiple pathways. â€Å"MySpace is, for identity exploration, engaging in social comparison and expressing idealized aspects of the selves they wish to become† (Manago et al. 2008, para. 1). MySpace also creates an identity for its users and they realize their own self. Besides, it allows the users unlimited flexibility to share their content. â€Å"According to the Pew Internet Project, MySpace is the most dominant social network among teens, used by 85% of teenagers who use social networks† (Hall 2011, para. 3). Since the majority of MySpace customers are teenagers, it can offer documented school researches which would be helpful to the teenagers. It can also provide a platform for promoting artistic talent. However, it may keep a restricting check on its users with respect to viewing of porn and other anti-social activities. In this way, it would be able to target more and more customers because once its offers restricted use, then the parent’s anxieties will be satisfied and they will also become members of the site. In this way MySpace

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Ancient Egypt Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ancient Egypt - Annotated Bibliography Example Being a professor at American University in Cairo, having published many works, and studied at Bryn Mawr College for Bachelor in Egyptology and Archeology, University of Cambridge for her Masters and PHD in Egyptology and Museum studies make her a credible expert on this topic. There are no scholarly sources cited in the article but the author makes an allusion of scholars work stating â€Å"scholars believe the valley had from about I million to 4 million people† (â€Å"Ancient Egypt, Par. 5). The author’s thesis in the article is that Ancient Egypt was the â€Å"birthplace of one of the world’s first civilizations (â€Å"Ancient Egypt, Par. 5†). The author believes that one of the world’s first civilizations began 5,000 years ago along   the River Nile and lasted for over 2,000 years making it the longest lasting civilization ever. The author uses three main points as a measure of backing up her thesis on Ancient Egypt being the earliest civilizations in history. These three points are â€Å"Ancient Egypt created the worlds first national government, basic forms of arithmetic and a 365-day calendar† (â€Å"Ancient Egypt, Par. 2†). To back the above main points the author uses other illustrations to strengthen the thesis including the creation of a form of picture writing known as hieroglyphics, invention papyrus a writing material, development of religion on life after death, and the building of great cities from which arose skilled doctors, architects, painters, sculptors, doctors, and engineers. The author uses the main points to strengthen the thesis through writing on the history and life of Ancient Egypt. The author writes about   the start of civilization when King Menes United Lower and Upper Egypt around 3100 B.C. forming the world’s first government. King Menes also made Memphis, present day Cairo, as the capital of Egypt depict the earliest national government backing the main thesis in the article. The author uses the

Friday, October 4, 2019

Police and Legitimacy Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Police and Legitimacy Law - Essay Example Therefore, for effective governing, an institution has to acquire political legitimacy as this is necessary to prevent the collapse of the government due to various legal setbacks that governs the state. However, there are some political systems that survive despite illegitimately acquiring power. This institution usually seeks the support of individuals who hold influential positions in the society and thereby considering such systems as legitimate despite opposition from the wider mass. Locke further argues that legitimacy comes from the popular consent of the people and without it, any institution formed and operating is illegitimate. Dolf Stanberger defines legitimacy as a foundation of an existence of governmental power with the knowledge of officials of government that they have a right to govern for the benefits of the people (Alderson, 1979). An author by the name of Seymour Martins disagrees with the definitions of Locke and Stanberger on legitimacy. He argues that legitimac y involves a belief by the ruling class that the practiced system of governance is the best and he does not involve the masses as in his definition (Blumberg, 1983). Legitimacy encompasses morality and scholars of moral philosophy define it as the normative position given to the government and other institutions operating in the country by the masses on the acceptance that they use their authority in accordance to the law. Scholars of law distinguish legitimacy from legality. They argue that a government can be legitimate in its composition but they actions can be illegal, for example implementing a budget without parliament’s approval. The police is an organ of the government and its main function is to maintain law and order. In conducting their operations there are always aspects of legitimacy in question. Are they acting within the law or are they violating the same law they are supposed to implement. This paper seeks to analyze legitimacy in the contest of a specific pol ice function. The police function identified is maintenance of law and order in England and Wales (Miyazawa, 1995). In talking about this role, it will highlight its different aspects and how it defines the concept of legitimacy in England and wales. The questions that this paper seeks to answer are two fold, What is legitimacy? How does the police role of maintaining law and order define the concepts of legitimacy in England and Wales? This paper has a concluder which basis its analysis from the research done and it explains other concepts of legitimacy. The main role of the police force is to maintain law and order and in order to function appropriately; the police need public help and support and it’s of great use to them when such support is voluntary and sincere. Such voluntary support from the public comes from the notion of legitimacy. The society has to acknowledge the roles of the police as outlined by the laws governing the state and if police action contravenes the se laws, they will lose legitimacy and therefore getting cooperation from the people becomes difficult. One of the main reasons as to why people agree to cooperate with the police is because they enjoy legal recognition and therefore people view them as a legitimate authority to be obeyed. The public are also concerned with the manner in which the police execute their functions and from their conclusions